If you are looking into purchasing a safe, you might be surprised at the variety of options available. There’s a wide variety of safes, so to help you start: First consider what you plan to put in your safe. Are you looking to store documents, jewelry, cash, electronics or other items? Knowing what you will be storing in your safe will make your purchasing decision an easier one.
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Grah Is a Favorite Place on Google
We are so thrilled to talk about what happen recently. Google is sending out Favorite Places packets with window decals to 100,000 of the “most sought out and researched businesses on Google and Google Maps.”
Things to think about when buying a fireproof safe
This is a handy list of 10 things you need to think about before purchasing a fireproof safe.
San Diego Wild Fire Season Tips
Create Safety Zones Around Your Home or Building.
Begin with a 30-foot safety zone around any structure.
Keep the volume of vegetation in this zone to a minimum. Clear further to the east as this is the direction the strongests Santa Ana winds come from. If you live on a hill, extend the zone on the downhill side. Fire spreads rapidly uphill.