We’re your neighborhood key cutter and our key duplication service is safe and speedy.
Get Keys Made In San Diego In A Jiffy At Grah Safe And Lock
Getting keys made is one of those mundane little tasks in life that no one especially loves but one that can be made a lot more enjoyable when taken care of with professional efficiency and a friendly smile! Having duplication keys made is a smart way to avoid those unwanted hassles of being locked out of your house, business or car and Grah Safe & Lock carries the largest selection of keys in San Diego County.
Straight Talk About Duplicate Keys
Did you know that 99% of all door locks still use mechanical keys? Needless to say, this keeps us busy and we pride ourselves on key duplications that work right for you the first time around. We can come to your home or business, but for a better selection, we invite you to come into our shop at 939 University Avenue, Suite 100 in San Diego. If a key is made in the USA, we either have it or can get it for you.
If you’ve lost all your keys we can cut replacement keys for all types of door and cabinet locks. We can do this at your home or business, or if you bring the lock into our shop, we can do it right here.
Since 1914, San Diegans have been dropping into Grah Safe and Lock when they needed to get keys made. Count on our key cutters for professional, friendly service. We’ll make your duplication key or multiple key duplicates quickly and accurately so that you can get back to business as usual with as little bother as possible.